Maximizing Digital Advertising for Effective National Development
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Published: 3 December 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Advertising has taken a new form with the digitalization of the world and companies, nations and individuals are making a good use of it. This can be seen in the in the gradual movement from analogue technologies to the digital technologies in almost all sectors of the country. The new media has metamorphosed the use of advertising to becoming a more purposeful element in the International Marketing Communications. This is because with the new media advertising has become more accessible, ubiquitous and very handy and can be easily manipulated to one’s use as a consumer. This has further empowered the consumers towards becoming the creators of information while having a variety of information to choose from. The new media has also help advertisers to create awareness for their goods at low costs on investments. This has in turn improved the gross national product of the nation and it is further leading to greater presence in the global world. However this paper avers that the new media is in its growing state in Nigeria but with the availability of adequate power supply, bridging of the digital divide between the urban and the rural dwellers in Nigeria, there is also the need to build a viable and all-encompassing broadband infrastructure round the country. With this and many more, advertising will be maximally utilized for national transformation.
Keywords: Advertising, New Media, National Development, Consumers and Advertisers.

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How to Cite
Dr. Femi Adedina, Abolanle Oguntola. (2018-12-03). "Maximizing Digital Advertising for Effective National Development." *Volume 1*, 2, 38-47